I would like to thank the following people for the role they played in the completion of this thesis project.
Professor Erika Seamon: Georgetown University American Studies Program
I would like to thank my long-term mentor and role model, Professor Seamon, not only for your support throughout this project but for inspiring me to feel pride and joy in being an American Studies scholar and for encouraging me to follow my passions. This project truly would not be what it is today without your guidance, nor would I be the person and scholar I am today without your support, insight, and enthusiasm.
Professor Lori Merish: Georgetown University English Department
I would like to thank my thesis adviser, Professor Lori Merish, without whom I probably would have gone crazy trying to complete this project. Professor Merish, thank you for believing in me and my thesis, for offering moral support and research guidance, and above all, for always helping me leave our meetings with a smile on my face and a feeling of confidence.
Colva Weissenstein: Georgetown University American Studies Program
I would like to thank Colva, the American Studies Program Manager, whose title truly does not do her role in the American Studies Program justice. Colva, you are indispensable to the lives of American Studies majors, and we always feel secure and confident in your presence. Thank you for providing us with a space to feel vulnerable, for answering our frantic emails, and for always being there for us!
Jude Miller Burke: My Mama!
I would like to thank my mom for being the most wonderful, supportive person in the universe. Thank you, mom, for always believing in me, for expressing interest in my passions, and for consistently reminding me that there are few limits to what I can do so long as I give it my all.
Julia Hallauer & Read Masino: My Am Stud Buds!
I would like to thank my American Studies support system, who helped me survive this entire thesis experience. Thank you to both of you for your friendship and support, our ridiculous group chat, and for making my American Studies experience beyond memorable. I am so proud of both of you and your theses that I actually might even skim them!
Professor Richard Rogers: Northern Arizona University Professor
I would like to thank Professor Richard Rogers for allowing me to interview him on his area of expertise, for providing me with crucial photographs of Kokopelli usages that I otherwise would not have been able to access, and for always answering my questions.